With only three weeks to go until I lead my session Unearth Your Voice at Bournemouth Writing Festival, I have to say, I am super-excited!
There is so much I want to pack into the hour, but I also want to create and hold a special space for all of the writers who will be attending.
Afterall, any time spent communing with ourselves and connecting to our breath is truly precious. So this is what I will be mostly focusing on. Holding onto this intention.
Sharing why yogic practices and mindfulness can help us to be better writers because we are more in-tune with ourselves.
A few weeks ago, I caught up with the festival director, Dominic Wong, and we had a chat about the session and what it will be about, and it is available to view, here on YouTube.
Please watch it and if you live within a reasonable distance, please do come along.
To book, please visit the website.
